We endeavored to expand our services in road, sea, inspection-supervision, and storage from the Dilovası - Istanbul region to other areas.
First logistics fleet
We achieved a significant increase in the number of major corporate customers' suppliers in the Turkish domestic market and formed our first truck fleet together with Berra Beren Logistics.
Foreign trade during the pandemic
During the pandemic, we began to operate in the Asia-Pacific market in international raw material supply and transportation. We provided solutions for trades such as steel, paper, dry cargo, etc.
Supply Chain Management Collaboration
We started collaborating with the Supply Chain Management department of Istanbul University. During the pandemic, we conducted studies focusing on the medical products market.
Collaboration with Universities
We initiated collaboration with universities and began organizing meetings and seminars to contribute to workforce training.
Intellogistic commenced its commercial activities with our Istanbul office. The initial foundations of an IT-based infrastructure were laid in the raw material and logistics market.